(Longest blog ever) Do people still read?

What’s happened to when picking up a book was a socially normal thing? All you see or here these days is that it’s un-cool and boring. I can’t understand why it isn’t cool or fun, before technology came around, books were out only form of education and entertainment. Call me old fashioned, but I can’t think of anything better than picking up a book after a long day.

Has society gotten that bad, only 1 in 5 parent’s find time to read to there children? But they still find time to go out and by a 5 year old an iphone. Is it also that bad 10 to 16 year olds, only read for pleasure, because it’s in the school curriculum.

(national literacy trust, reaching out with role models, April 2009),(2013 research by Dr Alice Sullivan and Matt Brown from the institute of education)

 As shocking as those figures are, they’re true. Each generation are losing touch with reading, evidently from help of the parents not reading to children at all. And this is why EBook sales have risen, It’s basic laziness, for example amazons 1 click service. All you have to do is press the button and you instantly own a EBook, without having to go to the library, or search Amazon for a paper/hardback book, or spend a hour in town looking for a book to buy, not to mention waiting for delivery. Society has become blind to how important reading is for everyone’s literacy developing skills, also how important it is for education. They even do texts books in EBook version!

 Linking to the TV show the chase, the chasers intelligence has come from reading books! Why would parents want to deprive their children of the intelligence and fun they can have from reading a book?

 According to the guardian, people don’t even purchase paperbacks as much as EBooks, for every 100 hard and paper back sold, 114 EBooks are downloaded. Hands down this is the worst thing that could happen for the next generation of children! Technology is taking over the brains of young children, making them lose touch with the real world, and what’s most important to them!       

 Parents need to read this and take note on the next few tips i’m going to give

 · You need to take time on weekends and days off, to actually go buy your child a book to read from, if not with-in 20 years time, the only books you’ll see are the ones sat in a museum, because publications will have closed down and will no longer be publishing books because no one buys them!

 · Give you and your child some bonding time, buy a collection of short stories and try read at least 3/4 times a week to them!

· Ditch the iphone for Christmas and buy them books!

 · Try make reading fun, for example the 2015 reading challenge, and if they complete it, promise them a gift.

 · Try reading yourself, make an impression on your children.

If it’s children or teenagers reading this, then here’s my tips for you!

 · Don’t listen to people who say it’s un-cool, because secretly they’ll be the biggest book worm you know, and secretly they’ll read everyday.

 · Try reading short books to start with, work your way up to bigger books.

 · Read things you’re interested in, like young adult, or dystopian.


Like the pie chart shows, some changes need to be made, read paperback and when you need a break take on a EBook, but just because of laziness don’t rely on EBooks all the time. Give your brains a break from technology, sit somewhere quiet and drift off to another world with a book! It can be done, reading just needs the praise it used to get.



inspiredbyabook™ publications

43 thoughts on “(Longest blog ever) Do people still read?

  1. Books are fascinating! I wish young people would learn that reading a book is a great way to escape. They don’t need to know that it’s actually enriching their minds and improving their vocabulary. I want them to have fun with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I definitely agree with you here – books are so much better than EBooks. I find it quite difficult to read off screens for a long period of time, so if book-stores start dying out I will be absolutely devastated!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I enjoy hardcopy books better than ebooks, but I’m not sure I understand your arguement. You’re saying that people aren’t reading as much, which is probably true in general, but the convenience of ebooks means that more people will read because they don’t have to drive around town and find the cheapest copy. I’m not sure what your distinction is between ebooks and hard copies that makes one a legitimate form of reading and the other not…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It wasnt set out to be a blog post. It’s my English course work, which argues paper and hardback are losing out to Ebooks, and people not reading in general, ebooks are becoming alot more common? And books are losing there importance in some sense,less and less are turning to ebooks because of convenience, because there easier to get hold of, And the driving around town part is just anecdote to less people can be bothered to go out and by books, hensr ebooks rising up in the market 🙂


  4. I’ve read Stephen King’s “The Dark Tower” — on paper. Its single volumes fill half a shelf, and they are a badge of honour. I cannot even begin to understand how anybody could trade the feel of paper for a kindle.

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  5. I love the feel of a book in my hands, turning the pages and enjoying the relaxed experience. I have found when i have read sn E-book its a more rushed get it finished quickly kind of thing. Its funny seeing this today as my post this morning was paper books Vs E-books .

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A German friend of mine each year sends me a gift of a small calendar. Each month has a quote from a book or writer. One of the 2014 ones which stuck in my mind translates “A house without books is like a person without a soul”. Forgot who said it, but you bet it was about “real books”, not kindle etc versions!


  7. This is very eye opening, if you ask me, kids need to be a little less occupied with technology over all! I remember when a bike ride was more fun than playing on an IPad


  8. I am blind and can not read print so do much of my reading using the text to speech facility on my Kindle. I do love the scent of paper books and have happy memories of visiting W H Smiths with my grandfather. Each week he would buy a book and read it to me. I do have braille books and enjoy reading them. However they take up a good deal of room. For example The New Oxford Book Of English Verse runs to 10 braille volumes while Wuthering Heights is 4. I think there is a place for both traditional and ebook formats. Kevin

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  9. I am a parent since 1 year (yeah) and want to do what my parents haven’t done for me: read her stories. Open to advise on how to create a routine.
    Also I am tech person so I use more a kindle than a book, which – call me devil advocate – is better than nothing.
    There are recently a LOT of articles about non-tech education with objective to reduce our early age child facing tech in order to flourish their imagination.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. i couldn’t agree with you more, especially about the importance of reading to your children. As a parent, the easiest way to incorporate this is to read to your child every night as part of your bedtime routine. I remember my mom doing this as every night as a child and now my children eagerly run to grab books when we say , “bedtime”! 🙂

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  10. Books open up horizons – the feel of the paper, the smell of the book even. These are all physical, tangible things and they make the reading experience more real. Children (and adults) need to read more – I know people who don’t read for pleasure at all. It’s shocking from this side, but from the majority? Adults on average only read one book a year – and coupled with all the bibliophiles out there that means a considerable amount of adults don’t read at all.

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  11. I hope that all of my children will love the smell of a library, the feel of a book in their hands, and the love of getting into a story. If I have done that, I have done part of my job as a parent. 🙂

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  12. Very thoughtful article.Though I would prefer physical copies over electronic books any other day,I don’t believe people read ebooks more than paperbacks because they are too lazy to browse a bookstore.For students like me living on a budget,ebooks are a boon as they usually cost lesser than paperbacks and hardcovers;you can imagine the sky high prices when converted into Indian rupees.Also,with many classics and buried books made available by Gutenberg and Amazon free ebooks,I get to read most of the books which are not available in the bookshops and the library in my small town.And an ebook collection is easier to manage and stack in a space deprived college dorm room.Also,since most physical copies of the new releases come very late to the Indian market,one has no option but to read the e-books.However,I don’t own a kindle or an ipad but read on my laptop using kindle and nook apps.But I do agree with your point that parents should engage their children in more productive activities than spending time on electronic devices,if only to protect their eyesight.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked it, and I agree completely, the comparison of too lazy to go to the book store is for my english coursewor, this wasnt intended to be a blog post,many features are added for effect and persuasion to boost my marks up! I agree completely that ebooks are convenient,but much rather prefer to read those when I’ve god reading block, with paperbacks 🙂 thanks for reading


  13. In the shake down e-books will find there place. For short stories and articles, unpublished works, and specialist treatises they will be a handy medium. Not for leisure and deliberative reading though. There is nothing like thumbing a page, pondering the inkiness of a font and even (heaven forbid) scrawling a comment in the margin. And when you’ve finished, it sits solidly on your bookshelf reminding you of the conversation you had. E-books simply disappear onto the hard drive never to be seen again unless you go seeking.

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  14. I once read in a book about reading readiness by well-known children’s author, Mem Fox, that a child needs to have had about 1000 books read to them before they are ready to read. Sobering thought!

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  15. Great article, I do agree! But it’s not just children who are falling out of love with reading. My Dad hadn’t picked up a book since he was at school, but with a lot of perseverance from me, I found a genre he was interested in, and now every evening he’s reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. It’s not really true that people read less nowadays. If you think about all the texting and facebooking that kids do, they are actually reading and writing much more than kids did in the past. Now, one can question the quality of this material, but that is a separate issue. Ebooks are fine so long as they aren’t backlit. There is some research showing that we absorb less information when the source has a backlight, but devices such as the Kindle don’t use lighting. With a Kindle you can get hundreds of books for free because they are in the public domain, and have an entire library with you anywhere. The situation isn’t quite as dire as some think. What is needed isn’t so much “reading,” but rather the reading of quality materials, especially literature.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, but texting and using facebook isn’t exactly educational, and the point of the post was to symbolise the face people aren’t reading as many “story books” if it was up to reading a facebook post then maybe it would be higher, but that’s not what I was looking into. I appreciate you comment, but I still feel and have the evidence that people are not reading as many books as they used to, by books I do mean physical copies. And also I believe a paperback or hardback is the best reading material there is. 🙂

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      1. I think it would be very hard to have accurate statistics on how many books people are reading. I mean, I have a large library at home and no one clicks a button every time I read one. Stories like Hunger Games or Harry Potter were quite popular with young people. I would be interested in seeing evidence that people now actually read less. I do appreciate your post and I am glad to see a young person such as yourself so passionate about reading!

        Liked by 1 person

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